

Thank you for your interest in getting to know more about me and my craft. My name is Christopher John Rogers, and I absolutely love photography! There is something incredible that happens when you capture an image on camera. Photography has the power to preserve the essence of a moment unlike any other medium. I love Landscapes that transport you to some gorgeous and exotic location. I love portraits that capture emotion, personality and beauty.


I am located in California and service the Central Valley and Bay Area. I am frequently back and forth between the Modesto area and the San Jose area. I love to travel. I am fully set up for and prefer photography “on location.” 

Choosing a Photographer

There are many factors one should consider when selecting a photographer. The first thing you should look for is talent. You don’t want to hire a photographer if you don’t like his work. I am way too modest to try and talk myself up, so feel free to browse my gallery and get a sense for the quality of work I do.

If the photographer seems talented, then there are many other things left to consider. You should make sure your photographer has all of the required equipment, provides all of the services like retouching and image hosting, is professional, has a personality you can work with and offers reasonable prices. If possible you should also find out what other customers have to say about the photographer. In my other "about" pages I have tried to supply all of this information, so please feel free to brows and find out more.

Equipment - Services - Testimonials

© Christopher John Rogers 2013